"Others are the streets, I am a square, I do not lead anywhere, I am a place"
Alessandro Baricco
In 2022 CITIES magazine reaches number 10! A good number, which we honestly did not know we would reach… and this already encourages us to move forward. If you want to find out more about the history of CITIES, read at http://www.italianstreetphotography.com/sezione-cities/cities-story
You can browse the nine issues of CITIES online at https://issuu.com/isp-italianstreetphotography
To worthily celebrate this milestone we have prepared a great initiative with some of our partners: the collective exhibition "CITIES, a contemporary view", which will be hosted at the 10th edition of the Festival Fotografico Europeo, then at Corigliano Calabro Fotografia and finally at Officine Fotografiche Roma with the presentation of CITIES 10, a special volume made up of a dozen projects and stories selected by the call!
A general call is then open till February 28, 2022 regarding portfolios, thematic series and authorial projects of urban photography, which will participate in a selection by the editorial committee composed of Angelo Cucchetto, Attilio Lauria, Sonia Pampuri and Graziano Perotti.
The theme is Urban Photography in all its forms: documentary, reportage, portraiture, architectural, street photography, conceptual… In practice, Wild Life excluded!
The call will serve to identify 20/30 authors, who will participate in the collective exhibition with their works deriving from the series sent and / or the special issue 10 of CITIES, which will contain, in addition to some "Focus Author", the project series selected by the editorial staff, which will be in the company of two project series by Gabi Ben Avraham and Stefano Mirabella already co-opted!
participation in the Call requires a fee of € 30 per project and all Italian and foreign citizens aged more then 18th years can participate.
til February 28, 2022 it's possible to register for the call at www.italianstreetphotography.com/en-call-cities-contemporary-view
What is CITIES? Cities is a printed magazine with a six-monthly issue dedicated to urban photography with a particular focus on Street. The 8 issues already produced are online at https://issuu.com/isp-italianstreetphotography
Media Partner: www.photographers.it, www.urbanphotoawards.com