Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century. (Marshall McLuhan)
A journey to NYC through an original, unusual and totally profoundly American point of view. A horizontal journey through the signs of the shops and shops that crowd the various districts of the metropolis. A journey that tells us about a NY on a human scale, in which the gaze does not run upwards but remains anchored to the ground, in the everyday life that flows.
Luigi Cipriano's gaze moves carefully in the US megalopolis looking for the strength of color, life in neon, as the author himself had found it in a text by Win Wenders: "Written in the West" whose famous director collects reflections and shots of his personal experience on the road through the streets of the deep American province.
"The part that struck me most about the book," says Cipriano, "and that attracted my reflection were the photos of the signs of the clubs and shops, with their typical American style. The images were only empty boxes, but the vivid colors of the signs and signs generated in me a feeling of transport on his journey."
In this work, Cipriano tells us about the immense vitality of NYC, its varied ethnic melting pot and its extraordinary uniqueness, and he does so without ever appearing an element of the mainstream narrative of the capital of the world: no skyscrapers, no skyline, no subway.
It is truly an original and courageous work, interwoven with colors and skilfully built on perspective cuts, an extraordinary introverted narration of the most extroverted city in the world!
Un viaggio a NYC attraverso un punto di vista originale insolito e totalmente profondamente americano. Un viaggio orizzontale tra le insegne delle botteghe e dei negozi che affollano i vari quartieri della immessa metropoli. Un viaggio che ci racconta una NY a misura d’uomo, in cui lo sguardo non corre verso l’alto ma resta ancorato a terra, nella quotidianità della vita che scorre.
Lo sguardo di Luigi Cipriano si muove attento nella megalopoli USA cercando la forza del colore , la vita nei neon, come l’autore stesso l’aveva trovata in un testo di Win Wenders: “Scritto nel West” il cui il celebre regista raccoglie riflessioni e scatti di una sua personale esperienza on the road per le strade della profonda provincia americana.
“La parte che più mi aveva colpito del libro – racconta Cipriano - e che aveva attratto la mia riflessione furono le foto delle insegne dei locali e dei negozi, con il loro tipico stile americano. Le immagini riprendevano, pur nella loro architettura, solo delle scatole vuote, ma i colori vividi dei cartelli e delle insegne, generarono in me una sensazione di trasporto nel suo viaggio”.
In questo lavoro Cipriano ci racconta l’immensa vitalità di NYC, il suo variegato melting pot etnico e la sua straordinaria unicità e lo fa senza che mai compaia un elemento della narrazione mainstream della capitale del mondo: nessun grattacielo , niente skyline , niente metropolitana.
E’ davvero un lavoro originale e coraggioso, intessuto di colori e sapientemente costruito sui tagli prospettici, una straordinaria narrazione introversa della città più estroversa del mondo!
Bio Luigi Cipriano
Luigi was born in Guardia Lombardi in 1968, graduated in 1993 in Economics and Commerce with a thesis in Urban Geography and Territorial Organization at the Federico II University of Naples, lives and works in Avellino.
He became passionate about photography at the age of 16, when he was given his first reflex camera and later began to travel.
Photography became his favorite hobby, he installed a small darkroom at home dedicating himself to black and white printing, in his path as an amateur photographer he prefers, as a photographic genre: landscape photography, observation photography in places, urban exploration and street photography.
Although he undertook the study of photography as a self-taught, he deepened his knowledge by attending various seminars and workshops with photographers and teachers of Photography: Massimo di Nonno, Andrea Boccalini, Antonio Politano, Max and Douglas, Max Angeloni, Cosmo Laera, Sandro Iovine, Federica Cerami, Fulvio Bortolozzo.