zang-tumb-tumb-zang-zang-tuuumb tatatatatatatata picpacpam
pacpacpicpampampac uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Can you photograph a noise? Does a voice have a body that you can capture in a shot? Cities speak to us???
It is from these unusual questions that Fulvio Eandi's artistic research begins. A research carried out to the rhythm of jazz, because jazz is born as the author himself tells us: "During the closing concert of the 2016 Torino Jazz Festival, held by Max Casacci and Emanuele Cisi on the noises of Turin sampled and transformed into music, I wondered what the noises looked like, if they could be photographed. So I started wandering around the city, with Casacci's music in my ears, looking for the noises he sampled to find a way to represent them."
What you will see in the following pages is the result of this fragmented, syncopated and onomatopoeic research on the city of the Mole. An unusual and at the same time familiar Turin will drag you along this original visual experience in which we try to give "a body" to the sounds. Contaminating, deconstructing, making art immaterial are among the most significant signs of expressive contemporaneity. They are signals from the future like those of Marinetti in Zang Tumb Tumb, the chronicle of a war siege narrated through sound.
The operation that Eandi gives us with this very particular artistic vision is at the same time identical and opposite in sign to that one of founder of Futurism. The author continues: "I found myself with hundreds of images available, with which, in post-production, I tried to create an amalgam by selecting various moments, cutting them, overlapping them and modifying them in search of what, in my opinion, could be "the noise of Turin".
What noise does the place where you live make????
Si può fotografare un rumore? Una voce ha un corpo che puoi fissare in uno scatto? Le città ci parlano???
E’ da questi insoliti interrogativi che prende il via in questo lavoro la ricerca artistica di Fulvio Eandi. Una ricerca realizzata a ritmo di jazz, perché dal jazz nasce come ci racconta lo stesso autore: “Durante il concerto di chiusura del Torino Jazz Festival del 2016, tenuto da Max Casacci ed Emanuele Cisi sui rumori di Torino campionati e trasformati in musica, mi sono chiesto che aspetto avessero i rumori, se si potessero fotografare. Ho iniziato quindi a girovagare per la città, con la musica di Casacci nelle orecchie, alla ricerca dei rumori da lui campionati per trovare il modo di rappresentarli”.
Quello che avrete modo di vedere nelle prossime pagine è il risultato di questa ricerca frammentata, sincopata e onomatopeica sulla città della Mole. Una Torino insolita e allo stesso tempo famigliare vi trascinerà lungo questa originale esperienza visiva in cui si cerca di dare “un corpo” ai suoni. Contaminare, destrutturare, rendere immateriale l’arte sono tra i segni della contemporaneità espressiva più significativi. Sono segnali dal futuro come quelli di Marinetti in Zang Tumb Tumb, la cronaca di un assedio bellico narrata attraverso il suono.
L’operazione che ci regala Eandi con questa sua davvero particolare visione artistica è contemporaneamente identica e opposta di segno a quella del fondatore del Futurismo. Ancora l’autore: “Mi sono ritrovato con centinaia di immagini a disposizione, con le quali, in post produzione, ho cercato di creare un’amalgama selezionando vari attimi, tagliandoli, sovrapponendoli e modificandoli alla ricerca di quello che, secondo me, poteva essere “il rumore di Torino”.
Quale rumore fa il luogo dove vivete????
Bio Fulvio Eandi
I was born in Turin 57 years ago, I have been living in Murisengo for 28 years, but the bond with my city has never failed, and the desire to photograph came to me as a child thanks to the old family photos that my grandmother jealously guarded in a tin box. So at the age of sixteen I bought my first camera and I started to use my city as an endless setting for my shots.
During the closing concert of the 2016 Torino Jazz Festival, held by Max Casacci and Emanuele Cisi on the noises of Turin sampled and transformed into music, I wondered what the noises looked like, if they could be photographed.
So I started wandering around the city, with Casacci's music in my ears, looking for the noises he sampled to find a way to represent them, spending entire days stealing moments of everyday life, photographing every corner: from the rattling of the trams on the tracks to the muffled sounds of the foyer of the theater, from the morning noise of the kids going to school to the nightlife in the nightclubs, from the roar of the "toret" (typical Turin drinking fountains) to the buzz of passengers on buses.
The proposed images are intended to be a result, but also a first step in a work in progress open to comments and opinions of those who want to stop for a few minutes to listen to the voice of Turin.