In 2023 the CITIES magazine reaches number 13! A good number, which we honestly didn't know we would reach... and this already spurs us on to move forward.
from issue 12 you can get your free pdf copy OR order print issue at www.italianstreetphotography.com/cities
On 22 and 23 April 2017 in six Italian cities the CITIES project started. Designed by Angelo Cucchetto, who immediately had the help of Graziano Perotti, as Photo editor.
Coordinated by the then current Isp authors (Enrico Barocci, Michele Battilomo, Gustavo Boemi, Adriano Cascio, Ciro Cortellessa, Francesca Fabiano, Lorenzo Fasola, Giorgio Galimberti, Giuseppe Pons, Andrea Scirè and Maurizio Targhetta), Isp Experience took place as shared production for the creation of a Fanzine dedicated to tell urban and human views: CITIES n 1.
Cover by Giorgio Galimberti
Similar operation in October 2017, for the realization of the second issue of CITIES, coordinated in 8 cities by the team of ISP authors and then presented in Rome and Milan by Officine Fotografiche.
Cover by Andrea Scirè
For the third issue of CITIES, produced in the spring of 2018, the contents of the photographers participating in the WS held by Giovanni Albore, Enrico Barocci, Michele Battilomo, Adriano Cascio, Ciro Cortellessa, Michele Di Donato, Francesca Fabiano, Giorgio Galimberti, Maurizio Targhetta and Andrea Scirè were organized not only by city (Cities reviews) but also in a special section ( Come in un specchio) and appeared a large section dedicated to a related project, Silenzi Urbani, with 5 projects by Luca Setti, Assunta D'Urzo, Loredana Celano, Marko Vogric , Luca Rotondo.
In addition to 3 portfolios by Andrea Alberti, Claudio Campanella, Giuseppe Pitino.
Cover by Adriano Cascio
The fourth issue of Cities, produced in the autumn of 2018, represents an important qualitative leap for the Magazine, after the stylistic restyling achieved with issue 3.
From this issue the core of the magazine are shared projects, focus developed by mentors and shared in production with the participants. A challenge, with mentors committed to directing but also producing with other photographers. Adriano Cascio, Michele Di Donato, Francesco Faraci, Salvatore Matarazzo, Graziano Perotti, Giuseppe Pons, Maurizio Targhetta and Andrea Scirè, led and coordinated production in Bari, Catania, Cefalù and Castelbuono, Genoa, Milan, Novara, Rome, and Trieste. And again 4 Portfolio, Antonio di Canito, Francesco Fredella, Marco Rappo, Valentina Minutella.
Cover by Salvatore Matarazzo
With CITIES 5 the path of shared projects is sophisticated, with stories designed to offer interesting ideas to a small group of photographers, coordinated by some mentors.
Realized in mid-2019, the Zine offers 3 shared projects, Carnival with Salvatore Matarazzo in Viareggio and Venice, Una Città cento popoli with mentor Adriano Cascio in Prato and Garbata Garbatella in Rome, mentor Roberto Gabriele. Then the section dedicated to authorial stories takes shape, with the 4 series Snow in Tokyo by Tadashi Onishi, Americana by Alex Coghe - Wedding Moments by Adam Riley - we believe in series by Diego Bardone. Then 3 Portfolio: Wonderland by Giuseppe Pitino - China Town by Iuri Camilloni - Vis pugnace by Francesco Forbino, and the Special Urban Photo Contest 2019
Cover by Adam Riley
The first 5 issues of CITIES were also realized thanks to the fundamental help of many partners, which allowed us to have logistical bases and support in production and communication: Fujifilm Italia for hospitality and support to CITIES 1, AC Officina Fotografica, Circolo Fincantieri–Wärtsilä, Collettivo Fotografico ControLuce, Gruppo Fotografico Luce Iblea, Imago@Catullo, GP Il Cupolone, Officine Fotografiche, Spaziotempo- Scuola di Fotografia, Associazione Sikanie, Ass.culturale Enzo La Grua, Associazione Prospettive, Studio Scaglia, circolo Fotografico La Gondola, PhotoLovers, One-Dream Studio, Otto Rooms & Gallery for CITIES 2, 3, 4 and 5
With issue 6 of CITIES, released in the spring of 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic, the adventure of shared experiences ends and the magazine becomes adult, complete, modern, dedicated to urban photography in all its aspects: from reportage, to street, to social, to documentary photography. The collaboration begins with Attilio Lauria, who with the Social editorial staff of FIAF (Susanna Bertoni, Antonio Desideri, Giuseppe Scalora and Debora Valentini) signs the section dedicated to international authors, Worldwide, with the stories Coincidences by Jonathan Higbee, Aka repeat to fade by Stuart Paton, My Town Siófok by Marietta Varga and Pier to Pier by Giedo Van Der Zwalt. This is followed by a section of stories by Italian authors, Storie del Bel Paese by Sonia Pampuri, with La ballata dell'Aqua Granda by Maria Grazia Beruffi and Rainbow Pride by Massimiliano Faralli, an Author Focus on Michele Di Donato and two Portfolios curated by him, Waiting Time by Domenico Fabiano, and Fog City, the vertical city of Enrico La Bianca.
Cover by Michele Di Donato
Cities 7 is presented at the Trieste Photo Days festival in the late October 2020 window, before returning to pandemic lockdown, and is consolidated in its structure with the collaboration of Attilio Lauria and Sonia Pampuri, and with the entry of Vanni Pandolfi who takes care of the section dedicated to Italian Authors, Stories from the Belpaese.
The issue, put together in its final photographic choices by Angelo Cucchetto and our photoeditor Graziano Perotti, collects three sections with 12 stories by talented authors, divided into three main sections;
Worldwide - edited by Attilio Lauria and the social editorial staff Fiaf (texts by Susanna Bertoni, Antonio Desideri, Irene Vitrano and Debora Valentini) with the 4 stories Upper east side story by Alain Schroeder, Thruthiness by Bojan "Chibsterr" Nikolic, Urban visions by Streetmax21 and When the trees are gone by Diana Cheren Nygren. stories
of the Bel Paese, curated by Vanni Pandolfi, who selected 4 stories by very interesting Italian authors: unreal by Giacomo Infantino, Glitch by Gianmarco Maraviglia, Fronte del Porto by Fabio Moscatelli and Cronache Immaginarie di un Tamatore di cavalli by Lorenzo Zoppolato.
Finally, a section dedicated to Inside, projects carried out in "viral" quarantine, curated by Sonia Pampuri, with four selected projects: Circus Quarantine by Fabio Itri, Condominium by Loredana Celano, Behind Glass by Lisa Sorgini, Il tappeto Volante by Simone Raeli.
Cover by Fabio Itri
CITIES 8, spring 2021
A round issue, and also to celebrate 4 years of life we introduce an important section, which we are sure will interest many readers: the Focus Authors, interviews and profiles of interesting authors in the international and Italian panorama of Photography, with an eye to urban photography.
Worldwide - stories by foreign authors edited by Attilio Lauria and the social editorial staff Fiaf (texts by Sonia Pampuri, Mariafrancesca Pantano, Antonio Desideri, Susanna Bertoni)
Cuban Sketches by Richard Bram, Streets World by Gabi Ben Avraham, Streets of NY by Michelle Rick, Shanghai streets by Cody Ellingham stories from the Belpaese,
stories by Italian authors edited by Vanni Pandolfi, texts by Vanni PandolfiSouthern Streets by Michele Liberti,
Islam Space by Graziano Panfili, Metropolitan impressions by Giovanni Paolini, China Land by Giovanni PresuttiFocus Authors - interviews and focus portfolio by Sonia PampuriSi,Viaggiare... - Roberto Gabriele, Intimate Imagination - Lorenzo Cicconi Massi, Mutatis mutandis - Nick Turpin, The surprise of art! - Gulnara Samoilova.
And to celebrate this milestone worthily, the cover of CITIES 8 is a splendid image created in Milan by Graziano Perotti!
Autumn 2021, CITIES 9!
CITIES 9 is ready, a very interesting number! In this issue, in addition to the 4 stories of foreign authors and the 4 of Italian authors we have two author focuses with interviews and a section with 4 stories awarded at the TTA, the award on travel photography launched by Starring in February. www.traveltalesaward.com
The magazine opens as usual with the Worldwide section, dedicated to foreign authors, stories of authors who well represent the whole world of modern international urban photography: Jeffrey Stockbridge, Joseph Ford, Liu Tao, Maude Bardet. This is followed by The Italians section, dedicated to Italian authors and curated by Vanni Pandolfi also in the texts, which has selected 4 stories by Italian authors with strong personalities: Umberto Verdoliva, Gabriele Lopez, Gabriele Croppi, Lorenzo Pesce.
Then the Focus Authors section, curated by Sonia Pampuri, with two interviews with Fabio Moscatelli and Tadashi Onishi. Ample space is dedicated to each author, with images of his different works and Sonia helps us to know them better through their works. Finally, the special section Travel Tales curated by Simona Ottolenghi with 4 stories awarded at the TTA, the award dedicated to travel photography www.traveltalesaward.com DESTINO by Nadia Cianelli, Che ne Saharà di noi by Mario Cucchi, Cara by Daniela Giannangeli, Like a Monet by Fabio Magara
This issue has also been put together in its final photographic choices by Angelo Cucchetto and our photoeditor Graziano Perotti, who also signs the cover of the magazine, with a splendid emblematic and iconic image.
In 2022 the magazine CITIES arrives at number 10. To celebrate this milestone worthily we have prepared with some of our partners a great initiative: the collective exhibition "CITIES, a contemporary view", hosted at the 10th edition of the European Photo Festival, then from July 1st in Corigliano Calabro Fotografia and finally by Officine Fotografiche Roma from October 21st, with the joint presentation of CITIES 10, a special volume composed of a dozen projects and stories selected from a general call. Then collective exhibition with 3 stages and special edition of the magazine CITIES 10 !
2023 see the borns of CITIES 12 AND CITIES 13, a GREAT POWERFULL ISSUE!