Sezione Cities

Cities 12 Temporarily anonymous by Mario Mencacci

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Temporarily anonymous by Mario Mencacci There is a mask for the family, one for society, one for work. And when you're alone, you remain nobody. ...

Cities 12 The sound of Silence by Eduardo Asenjo Matus

Cities 12 The sound of Silence by Eduardo Asenjo Matus

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

The sound of Silence by Eduardo Asenjo Matus Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its...

Cities 12 The Dragon Dance by Massimiliano Faralli

Cities 12 The Dragon Dance by Massimiliano Faralli

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

The Dragon Dance by Massimiliano Faralli Usually the dragon is represented with a pearl around its neck, the emblem of the sun. In that pearl is his power....

Cities 12 Metropolitan Glimps by Giuseppe Cardoni

Cities 12 Metropolitan Glimps by Giuseppe Cardoni

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Metropolitan Glimps by Giuseppe Cardoni Loneliness is never with you; It is always without you, and only possible with a stranger around. Luigi Pirandello...

Cities 12 The Metamorphosis of the Star by Massimo Cristaldi

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

The Metamorphosis of the Star by Massimo Cristaldi Communism is an easy thing that is difficult to accomplish. Bertolt Brecht   The most...

Cities 12 Thirsty Iran by Yalda Moaiery

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Cities 12 Thirsty Iran by Yalda Moaiery Forgive her, forgive her if, at times, she forgets her harrowing connection with murky waters and empty cavities and...

CITIES 13 The Dreamers by Nazile Bolat

CITIES 13 The Dreamers by Nazile Bolat

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

The Dreamers by Nazile Bolat The wonders of everyday life are exciting; No director can organize the unexpected he finds on the street" Robert Doisneau...

CITIES 13 Hakanai Yume Datta by Jonathan Jasberg

CITIES 13 Hakanai Yume Datta by Jonathan Jasberg

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Hakanai Yume Datta by Jonathan Jasberg “Truly, human life is as ephemeral as dew and as brief as lightning.” Ryūnosuke Akutagawa Hakanai Yume Datta or "...

CITIES 13 London Streets by Liliana Ranaletta

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

London Streets by Liliana Ranaletta London calling to the faraway towns | Now that war is declared and battle come down | London calling to the underworld...

CITIES 13 Upholding Tradition by Christelle Enquist

CITIES 13 Upholding Tradition by Christelle Enquist

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Upholding Tradition by Christelle Enquist "Tradition is  the vitality of the past that enriches the life of the present" T.S.Eliot Enquist's work...

CITIES 13 Khumb Mela by Ximena Echague

CITIES 13 Khumb Mela by Ximena Echague

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Khumb Mela by Ximena Echague "Those who love India know that you don't know exactly why you love it. It's dirty, it's poor, it's infected; Sometimes she is...

KappaFuturFestival by Settimio Benedusi

CITIES 13 KappaFuturFestival by Settimio Benedusi

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

KappaFuturFestival by Settimio Benedusi "Techno was not born as music for dancing, but as an expression of the future" Jeff Mills The...

The Protectors by Nima Taradji

CITIES 13 The Protectors by Nima Taradji

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

The Protectors by Nima Taradji The frog never gorges itself on all the water in the pond in which it lives Sioux Proverb The Protectors, or rather "The...

RECONNECTIONS by Rosa Mariniello

CITIES 13 Reconnections by Rosa Mariniello

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

RECONNECTIONS by Rosa Mariniello "Any data becomes important if it is connected to another. Connection changes perspective. It makes us think that every...

Zombieland by Maurizio Faraboni

CITIES 13 Zombieland by Maurizio Faraboni

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Zombieland by Maurizio Faraboni  “Any kind of addiction is harmful, no matter if the narcotic is alcohol, morphine, or idealism.” Carl Gustav Jung...

Reriate by Cristiano Zingale

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

Reriate by Cristiano Zingale "The city does not tell its past, it contains it like the lines of a hand, written in the corners of the streets, in the...

CITIES 13 DeComposition by Jesse Marlowe

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

De(Composition)  - Jesse Marlowe We need to be able to draw the secrets from what we are used to looking at every day, secrets that, due to routine, we...

CITIES 13 Another America by Phil Toledano

CITIES 13 Another America by Phil Toledano

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

CITIES 13 Another America by Phil Toledano "Artificial Intelligence is like an ever-evolving work of art, fueled by human creativity and curiosity." Ian...


autore: Angelo | tipo: News

CITIES 13 IS READY!  On Tuesday December 5th , at 8.00 p.m. coordinated universal time (Italy 9.00 pm, ny 3.00 pm) the editorial staff of the magazine...

MILANO FASHION WEEK - WORKSHOP con Massimiliano Faralli

autore: Angelo | tipo: News


CITIES 12 is coming

CITIES 12 is coming

autore: Angelo | tipo: News

CITIES 12 is coming!!! We have arrived at 12, a number that apparently has nothing as celebratory as the round, cinquine or dozens, but that still marks the...

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